The Ritual Theatre

Walk in to a sumptuous space, a slight buzz of anticipation - or is it magic? - in the air.
Join us, in circle, in connection, as we breathe and come into this moment together,
acknowledging land, coming to stillness, opening to intention and possibility.
Move with us into moments of connection as we explore consent, boundaries, communication and sovereignty,​
movement, touch, sound and breath.
Follow the Flow. Enter the Mystery.
Each Temple Night will be utterly unique. While you explore connections, desires and vulnerablities​
our Temple Artists will be creating ephemeral installations of erotic inspiration.
Come back now, to close the circle,
to share a moment of appreciation for each other and our experience.​
Each Temple Night will have its own intention, its own flavour, and a unique curation of Temple Guides and performers.​​​​
ritual |connection |performance |play

freuqently asKed questions
What should I wear?
Your finest ritual gear.
Adornments that make you feel magical and sensual.
Smart casual (suits / evening dress).​
Elegant but comfortable attire for movement.
Is this just a play party?
In a sense! Play parties come in many flavours ;p Some Temple Nights will be more saucy than others. What differentiates a Temple Night from other play events is the emphasis on intentionality, with opening and closing circles and guided group activities to create field resonance.
Do I need to be spiritual?
No, but you need to be open minded! Ritual can be a powerful space for explorations of psyche as well as soul. Temple can also *just* be a joyful, playful, nourishing space of curiosity and expansion!
I'm an absolute beginner / I've seen it all before. Will this event be suitable for me?
A select few of our events will require previous experience in these spaces, however most of our Temple Nights will be suitable for beginners. The first hour of the evening will be devoted to guided connection and consent practises, and there is no requirement to engage with others throughout the evening if your preference is to witness. If you've been to other 'playparties' Temple is definitely a bit different!
How do you select your Temple Guides? Are your Temple Guides [insert gender]?
Our Temple Nights will each feature a unique constellation of Temple Guides and Temple Artists (of all genders) chosen for their expertise and passion for particular manifestations of The Work. Our only criteria are that our Temple Guides must adhere to the highest standards of ethical practice and professional ability and conduct; those who join are united in practicing their craft in the container of ritual with an element of personal spirituality attached to their practice.
All Temple Guides are vetted and have years of experience as professionals, with a commitment to ethical and professional conduct. We have a zero tolerance policy for unethical and unsafe behaviour from our Temple Guides.​​​
I'm coming solo. Will I meet people, and will there be an opportunity to play with others?
We welcome solo attendees. The first hour will be devoted to connection and consent games. This is a gentle opener designed to ground the nervous system, as well as an opportunity to make friends and explore techniques of connection. Your engagement level is your choice - we have no expectations of you beyond mutual respect, and welcome you to witness if that’s feeling more comfortable.
We provide no guarantees about the gender balance / sexual orientation of the participants. Please note this is NOT a pickup space - if this is your intention, you may leave disappointed.
We’re coming as a couple / pre-existing relationship dynamic. Will we be expected to engage in activities with others?
At no point will you be compelled to engage with anyone. You’re welcome to do the introductory activities with your partner and engage in personal play, enjoying the space, utilities, ambience and possibly audience, if you so desire.
Is this space queer friendly?
Hell yes! We welcome and encourage all explorations of Eros.
I’m a cis male. What if people find me creepy?
We would love our space to feel safe and comfortable to everyone. There is the potential in this space to be triggered by each other - we ask that everyone approach interactions with respect, compassion and curiosity. Men can feel particularly uncomfortable in these spaces of sexual exploration for fear of being seen as predatory; whilst women are more likely to fear predation. Queer and trans folk can often feel unwelcome in heteronormative spaces. It is our dear hope that at Temple we can share our common humanity and our sexy selves!
I am older / chronically ill / disabled, can I still participate?
All bodies are welcome in our space and we will do our utmost to make provisions for specific needs. Please rest assured that comfort and sustenance are of high importance to us. Reach out at if you have further questions.
I’m neurodivergent / mentally ill / suffering from CPTSD / PTSD, can I still participate?
Conditionally yes! As per above, we highly encourage clear communication, and our spaces are definitely neurodivergent friendly and trauma aware. Informed consent goes both ways however, and if you believe that an activity or space may trigger you adversely, we do ask that you clearly communicate this, or consider your attendance to the particular event. As always, we strongly encourage you to reach out to to let us know beforehand so that we can best advise you. If you require a support person to be present we can make arrangements for this, so please communicate to us beforehand! Please rest assured we share these traits, some of our team have appropriate support training, and plenty of space will be made for accommodations.
Will there be food? Do I need to bring things?
Our Temple Nights will all be lightly catered, however we encourage you to come nourished, watered and rested with anything you may need for your physical comfort. Bring a water bottle, a towel, and whatever inspires you!
How do you keep this space safe?
We can't guarantee a completely safe space. But we can do our best by providing you with tools to navigate consent and boundaries. The opportunity for vulnerability and authenticity at Temple can be confronting. We encourage self responsibility and self care, however we are also trauma aware and will have a ​clearly identified support team available if you need a chat.
We favour a restorative justice model of navigating consent in community, however on rare occasion we will prohibit certain parties from attending our events.
© 2024 | VESSEL